Q: Can your Chelmsford Polygraph Examiner find out if my fiancé is cheating on me?

I’m looking for a little advice and don’t know where to turn. My fiancé and I are both 23 years old, we plan to marry next year but I think he is cheating on me. I’ve asked him outright and he’s denied it completely. I just don’t believe him and after discussing it with my family they suggested I get some clarity.

Jake said he was going on a lad’s holiday. He said it would be his last chance to do this before settling down and getting married to me. I trusted him and organised a girl’s holiday for the same time. We agreed to call each other once a day and that neither of us would cheat. My friends and I took a trip to Tenerife whilst Jake went to Ibiza with his friends. He called the first few nights but then nothing till we got home. He has very few pictures of his holiday and when I asked to see them, he said they were all taken on his mate’s phone. Who doesn’t take pictures on holiday? He never used to have a problem with lending me his phone before the holiday and now if I ask to check something on the internet, he appears to delete stuff before handing it over. I never check his phone but I did last night and all call logs where erased and messages. Even his WhatsApp messages are gone. I don’t want to marry a man who does this. Do you think a lie detector test could help?

C.W., Chelmsford

Response from our Chelmsford Polygraph Examiner

All the things you describe point to suspicious behaviour but have you thought that your fiancé is hiding some form of surprise from you? If he is arranging something requiring a lot of messaging he might have deleted them in order not to spoil the surprise.

It may be that one person was tasked with taking photos in Ibiza.  Phones and many other valuable items get stolen in busy holiday resorts so there is a possibility that it isn’t quite as it appears.

However, the fastest way for you to find out is to ask him to take a lie detector test.  As a Chelmsford Polygraph Examiner I conduct many polygraph examinations for couples who want to check each other out before committing to each other.  You could suggest that you both take them.

For more information about Couples lie detector tests call our Free Helpline on 07572 748364. Tell our customer service staff that your question has been answered by the Chelmsford Polygraph Examiner and they will be happy to help.  Alternatively you can book a test online, choosing the most convenient location, using our secure reservation system.